The Projects We Started This Year Are Rolling Smoothly Now




The Open Education Project

Started a few months back, this project now boasts a long list of books and educational materials. All contents are licensed under CC-BY, enabling smooth sharing of the works. India has around 30 major languages and we have a long way to go before we have a comprehensive collection of educational materials in all these vernacular languages. However, things are already looking up as we have started to get content in the regional languages too. We are about to take the project to the next level by starting a system of publishing original content from authors.

Open Data Project

In India, there is a lot of scope for involvement of the masses in order to work towards making ourselves a better managed nation. Constitutional instruments like the Public Interest Litigation (PIL), the Right To Information (RTI), etc., lose their relevance without complete transparency in the dissemination of government as well as non-government data. Building a mass-based system of knowledge-banks can help us a lot in achieving our goal. We can assist the governments for making more information public, wherever necessary.

Open Science and Research Project

We are working to implement Open Access to all research done and have built a large community of supporters. Open Access India has probed to be a major success in spreading the word. However, we have still a long way to go. Our aim is not only Open Access but Open Research. In near future, we have a few plans that we would like to implement regarding this. OKFN, India is with Creative Commons (CC) now: Click Here to know more.